Rehabilitation Centre in Hoshiarpur

Rehabilitation Centre in Hoshiarpur – Lifeline Foundations is one of the most luxurious Rehabilitation Centres in Hoshiarpur. Here, we can offer you top-quality latest addiction treatment procedures. When these treatments are applied, our patients can get proper mental strength and confidence which will help them not get involved in any kind of addiction. We are working with an aim to give our patients alcohol as well as drug-free lives and make them able to become more productive and get back to their normal lives. In addition, our Rehabilitation Centre in Hoshiarpur provides a supportive environment which is full of love as well as compassion for all our patients. All our treatment programs are specially designed by professional doctors, nurses and therapists and our team is fully committed to treating alcohol addiction, drug addiction as well as a behavioural addiction.

Why choose our Rehabilitation Centre in Hoshiarpur?

Rehabilitation Centre in Hoshiarpur

Lifeline Foundations is one of the Top as well as leading Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation centres in Hoshiarpur. We are providing various facilities which make us the best in the region.

  • Treatment program – We understand that addiction is a disease and we need to treat it accordingly. All our addiction program is totally based on knowledge, previous history and the condition of the patients.
  • Much more than treatment – Treatment of patients related to a drug as well as alcohol addiction is just a first step. Full recovery is possible only when individuals are ready to live a healthy drug-free life for days. However, to achieve this, we fully adhere to partnering with them throughout this most difficult journey.
  • Home – Our Centre is like a home, where we eat, stay and have fun together.  Here, we create an environment where anyone develops a sense of belonging. However, our aim is to remove them from their destructive environment and provide a comfortable home.
  • Family support – Addiction is a disease that affects your entire family. Our Rehabilitation Centre in Hoshiarpur assists family members throughout the entire process. We are open to discussing as well as clarifying any query related to our addiction program.


  • De-addiction Centre in Shimla
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Detoxification
  • One-o-One session
  • Medication Management
  • Medical Assessment

Contact our Rehabilitation Centre in Hoshiarpur or schedule your consultation with experts immediately.

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